Barbados Headquarters

+1(246) 629-4251

Trinidad Headquarters:


Community Care Corner

Our Community Care Corner highlights everything Caribbean Home Help is doing to support our communities.

Welcome to Community Care Corner, the heart of Caribbean Home Help’s commitment to fostering a compassionate and thriving community. With a strong presence in Barbados and Trinidad, Caribbean Home Help extends beyond the realm of nursing and agency services to embrace a profound sense of social responsibility. Our dedication to community care goes beyond the walls of Nurse care, reaching out to touch the lives of those we serve in meaningful ways.

This page serves as a testament to the numerous community-based activities we proudly engage in – from impactful campaigns and generous giveaways to meaningful donations and valuable partnerships. At Caribbean Home Help, we believe in giving back, and Community Care Corner is our platform to showcase the positive impact we make together with our community. Join us in celebrating the spirit of compassion and collaboration as we strive to create a brighter, healthier, and more connected future for all.



(29-11-23) We have listened and the “Random Acts of Kindess” initiative has been launched for this 2023 holiday season.

(21-11-23) A trip to the supermarket ends in a wonderful surprise for a senior in our community


(14-11-23) Our team visited the Lodge School for another session on water conservation and healthy living


Book an Assessment Today!
Looking for the best care for your love-one or need to book a home visit by one of our doctors?
Simply reserve an assessment, and our team will reach out and schedule a date and time for you.

(14-11-23) We had our first school “Health Talk” on water conservation and healthy living at St. Leonard’s School


(03-11-23) Caribbean Home Help joins the Healthy Aging Expo hosted by BARP

Our Approach
Easy Steps To Get Our Nurse and Home Services
Book an Assessment

To get started please contact us via our website, WhatsApp, or call us and we will schedule an assessment to determine what type of care is required.


Nurse Assignment or Interview

We will recommend the best-suited caregiver; however, you can interview up to 3 nurses to determine who you feel comfortable with.


Enjoy your caregiver

Once services have started we will review after the first week and monthly to ensure you are happy with your caregiver.


(04-08-23) Caribbean Home Help gives back by providing a series of Crop Over all inclusive event ticket giveaways

(14-07-23) “Music and Movement” segment on Good Morning Barbados with dance instructor Kenny 

(02-07-23) The official launch of our “In-Home Concierge” Service feat.  Hon. Kirk D. M. Humphrey, M.P.  

We provide supportive, compassionate and highly qualified nurses for all your nursing and medical needs
Contact Number Barbados

1 (246) 629-4251

Contact Number Trinidad

1 (868)-217-4244

Comprehensive Care Partner Nursing, Doctor House Calls, Housekeeping, Maintenance, Transport.

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