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Nurse Care – Exercise for Seniors

Exercise for Seniors

For people of all ages, exercise provides numerous advantages, such as a healthier heart, stronger bones, and increased flexibility. There are additional advantages for elders, such as the fact that regular exercise lowers the risk of injury, improves mood, and lowers the risk of chronic diseases.

Our muscular mass starts to decline as we get older. Adults can lose 3-5% of their muscular mass with each succeeding decade of life as they approach their forties. Our balance and bone density depend on muscle, which keeps us in good shape. Without it, our independence and movement are put at risk.

Additionally important to cognitive function is exercise. After a few weeks of consistent exercise, brain neurons—special cells that help you understand and remember things better as well as carry out all the bodily functions necessary to keep you alive—all grow. In fact, according to some studies, walking three or more times a week reduces the risk of dementia by 35% compared to seniors who don’t engage in any physical activity at all.

Exercise has numerous advantages for senior citizens, including:

Improved healing and function – Seniors who exercise regularly may see a 25% reduction in the amount of time it takes for a wound to heal. A robust, healthy body may also resist infection better and facilitates quick recovery from illness or injury.

Disease or chronic condition prevention – According to the National Institute on Aging, senior exercise may postpone or even prevent disorders including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis, to mention a few.

Balance and stability are improved — Falls are the leading cause of injuries among seniors, and regular exercise can help prevent them. Exercise is a crucial part of enhancing functional reach and balance to prevent injuries like broken hips or other bones that might result from falling.

higher life expectancy and improved quality of life – According to recent research, seniors who exercise not only see improvements in their physical fitness but also in their psychological well-being. Exercise can aid with depression symptom relief and mood enhancement in general. If done consistently over time, moderate exercise can assist an elderly person keep their independence since it increases mobility. Intensity is less significant than consistency.

For seniors, it is never too late to begin a regular fitness regimen. Find an activity you enjoy doing and start at a level that is simple to keep up. taken from the blog of American Senior Communities.

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