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Home safety check list for older adults – The benefit to an elderly person’s well-being of continuing to live in their own home cannot be overstated. To facilitate this without endangering their health or safety, however, a number of safety issues must be considered. The presence of a caregiver can mitigate many of these risks because they are trained in home safety as well as personal care.

Safety hazards in the home for the elderly can be fatal. So, what are some of the considerations that relatives of older people need to take into account when it comes to safety at home?


As people age, their mobility frequently becomes more limited, necessitating modifications to their living situation. An elderly person with mobility problems may require specialist equipment, such as:

  1. Stairlift
  2. Handrails
  3. Wheelchair ramps
  4. “Reachers” – pincher-like devices to help people pick up objects
  5. Toilet seat riser
  6. Bath bench
  7. Button loopers and zipper pulls, for dressing
  8. Single-lever taps

Falls prevention

One of the biggest worries when it comes to elderly people is falling. There are some basic precautions that anyone can take to reduce the risk of falls at home:

  1. Secure any loose or uneven carpets/rugs
  2. Remove clutter and trip hazards from the home
  3. Fit stairs with sturdy bannisters with handrails on each side
  4. Ensure shoes are well-fitting with a low heel
  5. Clean up any floor spills immediately and never use floor wax
  6. Consider purchasing a low bed and/or fitting bed rails
  7. Ensure everyday items are within easy reach and are not stored in high cupboards
  8. Remove wires and cables from any areas where they could pose a trip hazard

Fire safety

In the event of a fire, an elderly person who doesn’t have a live-in caregiver may have trouble getting out of the house quickly. Ensure the following are fitted as a minimum:

  1. Working fire and carbon monoxide alarms
  2. Fire extinguisher and blanket
  3. Electric induction hob (not gas)
  4. Panic alarm or other easy-to-use emergency response system that enables your relative to summon help


Many elderly people struggle with their vision. For this reason, a well-planned home should include:

  1. Large print instructions/warnings
  2. Touch-tone telephones with large numbers
  3. Plenty of good quality non-glare lighting
  4. Plain carpets without busy, potentially confusing, patterns

Safety in the home is critical for the elderly, and preparing the home of an elderly relative for improved safety can be difficult and requires specialized knowledge.  For more relevant info please click here

Caribbean Home Help can assist you in conducting a home safety assessment of your relative’s home and circumstances to determine what, if any, changes need to be put in place to keep your loved one safe. You can also use this home safety checklist to ensure your loved one is safe at home.

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